Service Details

Short Breaks and Respite Services

The Short Breaks and Respite services provided by Fanob Holdings offer temporary relief and support to individuals and their caregivers by providing a break from the daily care responsibilities. These services are designed to offer respite to family members or primary caregivers who may need some time for self-care, personal obligations, or simply to recharge, while ensuring that the individual receiving care continues to receive quality support.


Flexible Respite Options

We understand that every situation is unique, and the need for respite care can vary. Our Short Breaks and Respite services are flexible, allowing caregivers to choose the duration and frequency of the breaks based on their specific needs. Whether it's a few hours, a full day, overnight stays, or longer periods, we can accommodate a range of respite options.


Trained and Trustworthy Caregivers

Our respite caregivers are highly trained professionals who specialize in providing temporary care and support. They are experienced in working with individuals requiring various levels of assistance and are skilled in adapting to individual care routines and preferences. Families can have peace of mind knowing that their loved ones are in the hands of capable and trustworthy caregivers.


Personalized Care Continuity

We understand the importance of consistency and continuity of care for individuals who may experience anxiety or difficulty adjusting to new caregivers or environments. Our respite caregivers work closely with the individual and their family to ensure a smooth transition and maintain consistency in routines, preferences, and care plans. This personalized approach helps to create a sense of familiarity and comfort during the respite period.


Activities and Engagement

During the respite period, our caregivers engage the individuals in meaningful activities, providing companionship and stimulation. We strive to create an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for the individual, tailored to their interests and abilities. This not only ensures their well-being but also allows them to continue participating in activities they enjoy and maintain social connections.


Support for Special Needs

We have experience in providing respite care for individuals with special needs, including those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental disabilities, or specific medical conditions. Our caregivers are trained to understand and address the unique requirements and challenges associated with these conditions. We work closely with families to ensure that all necessary accommodations and supports are in place during the respite period.


Respite for Family Caregivers

Our Short Breaks and Respite services provide much-needed relief for family caregivers. Caregiving can be demanding both physically and emotionally, and it's essential for caregivers to take care of themselves and attend to their own well-being. By offering respite, we aim to reduce caregiver burnout, promote self-care, and strengthen the overall support system for the individual receiving care.


Seamless Transitions

We understand that transitions between respite care and the return to the primary caregiver's care can be crucial. Our caregivers provide comprehensive communication and handover to ensure a smooth transition and maintain continuity of care. We work collaboratively with the family and primary caregiver to share important information and updates to support a seamless transition back to the regular care routine.

At Fanob Holdings, our Short Breaks and Respite services are designed to support individuals and their caregivers by offering temporary relief while ensuring the continuity of quality care. We strive to create a safe, supportive, and engaging environment for individuals during the respite period, enabling caregivers to take a break with peace of mind, knowing that their loved ones are well cared for.

How We Work

Our fast and easy process has been perfected over time


Tell us what you need

Our first priority is to invest time in understanding you, your unique requirements, and personal preferences. This enables us to comprehensively grasp how to connect you with the ideal caregiver, tailored specifically to your needs.


Getting to know each other

Through collaborative phone discussions, we work together to craft a personalized care plan that perfectly aligns with your needs. This interactive process provides an excellent platform for you to obtain comprehensive answers to all your inquiries and ensure that we achieve the desired outcome.


Matching your needs with our champion caregivers

The most successful care relationships are built upon the satisfaction of both the client and the carer. With our diverse pool of caregivers, we meticulously choose the ideal carer who will best match your requirements and preferences. Our goal is to ensure your happiness and create a harmonious care partnership.


Commence care services for as long as required

When we have agreed on service requirements and terms, we will commence care services on the agreed date - that could even be today! Contact us today to speak to one of our service champions.